Runners set off on the annual Death Valley ultramarathon billed as the world’s toughest foot race

(24 Jul 2024)
Death Valley National Park, California – 22 July 2024
1. Races start race

2. SOUNDBITE (English) Chris Kostman, Badwater 135 Race Director:
“Badwater 135 is widely recognized as the world’s toughest footrace. Its 135 miles from right here at Badwater Basin. Three mountain ranges away is the finish line at Whitney Portal, the tallest mountain in the lower 48.”

3. SOUNDBITE (English) Chris Kostman, Badwater 135 Race Director:
“Three mountain ranges. Away is the finish line at Whitney Portal, the tallest mountain in the lower 48.”

Death Valley National Park, California – 23 July 2024
4. Runners at sunrise

Death Valley National Park, California – 22 July 2024
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Chris Kostman, Badwater 135 Race Director:
“14,600ft of elevation gain in the world’s hottest place at the hottest time of year”

Death Valley National Park, California – 23 July 2024
6. Runners going up hill
7. runner getting water on them

Death Valley National Park, California – 22 July 2024
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Chris Kostman, Badwater 135 Race Director:
“So this is an invitational race because it’s considered the world’s toughest foot race. We want people that we think can finish the event. So to even enter, the runners have to have completed at least for 100 mile or longer ultramarathons over the last three years.”

9. runner getting water and wet

Death Valley National Park, California – 23 July 2024
10. runner on road side

Death Valley National Park, California – 22 July 2024
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Chris Kostman, Badwater 135 Race Director:
“you know we don’t just want running history. We’re asking them, why do you want to run the Badwater? 135 and what is the meaning of life? And are you running for a charity and all kinds of things to get a sense of who they are.”

Death Valley National Park, California – 23 July 2024
12. various runners on road

Death Valley National Park, California – 22 July 2024
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Chris Kostman, Badwater 135 Race Director:
Because we want them to finish and we don’t want them to have any issues out here. So we average an 82% finishing rate because of that selection process. This year, we have 21 nations and 26 American states represented.

Death Valley National Park, California – 23 July 2024
14. SOUNDBITE (English) Karla Kent, Las Vegas:
“This is my 12th year. It’s I have 11 consecutive finishes, which is for females. That’s that’s the most.”

15. SOUNDBITE (English) Karla Kent, Las Vegas:
It’s the challenge and it’s just a Badwater family. It’s it’s an event that’s kind of special and hard to describe to somebody who’s never been here.

16. various Karla Kent

17. SOUNDBITE (English) Jessica Jones, Dauphin Island, Alabama:
“For me, it’s all about seeing what I can do. You know, testing my own limits, seeing how well I can do these extreme things, and just pushing myself to just see what my body can physically do. Because I’m always amazed by what the human body can do. So seeing what I can get out of myself.”

18. SOUNDBITE (English) Luke Thomas, San Diego California:
“It’s suffering. I mean, I think that’s the best way I can put it. I mean, at some point you just have to sort of embrace the suffering. I always joke that with my friends, what did it feel like? And I say the suffering was absolutely sublime.”

19. Runners on road.

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News post in July 29, 2024, 6:04 am.

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