Congressional Black Caucus PAC leaders back Kamala Harris’ bid for White House

(23 Jul 2024)

Washington – 23 July 2024
1. Pan shot of CBC PAC (Congressional Black Caucus Political Action Committee) leaders at podium
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. Gregory Meeks, (D) New York:
"The CBC PAC members of this great caucus. We now are on a mission, and the mission is to make sure that Kamala Harris is the next president of the United States."
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. Gregory Meeks, (D) New York:
"Her record of delivering for all Americans is exactly why she is the full, she has the full and unanimous support of the Congressional Black Caucus."
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. Gregory Meeks, (D) New York:
"She is the most experienced individual for our safety and security around the world. She has more experience than any of the past four presidents before President Biden. She’s the right person at the right time to get the job done."
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. Steven Horsford, (D) Nevada:
"We represent every region of the country. We have the youngest member of Congress and the Dean of the House as members. We have every ideological perspective. And today we are here unified behind one purpose, and that is to win for the American people."
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. Steven Horsford, (D) Nevada:
"And so while the decision for the president to turn the baton over to the vice president had to be a difficult decision. We respect and honor that decision, and we are ready for the next generation of leadership with our Vice President Kamala Harris in the forefront."
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. Joe Neguse, (D) Colorado:
"Her achievements will stand the test of time. And I cannot wait. I cannot wait to Chairwoman Emeritus Beattie’s point to hold my daughter’s hand, five years old on January 20th, and see this incredibly talented black woman become president of the United States of America."
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester, (D) Delaware:
"Because we may have a honeymoon period right now. We may be celebrating right now. We may even see the vision of our children holding hands and looking up. But we have to make it a reality. And so I think the word determination, we are determined to make sure that Kamala Harris is the next president of the United States."
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester, (D) Delaware:
"We are determined to elect this qualified, compassionate, brilliant person who represents the United States in all its beauty and splendor and glory. We are also determined and united to defeat Donald Trump."
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. Gregory Meeks, (D) New York:
"The attacks on DE&I are an attack on all of us. And so Donald Trump and other Republicans who are waging these anti DE&I attacks are not only doing it against the vice president, they’re doing it against all Americans. And it must end. It must end now."
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. Gregory Meeks, (D) New York:
"The energy, the excitement, the enthusiasm is just beginning. And it’s because we have the future of our party and Vice President Kamala Harris to lead us forward."
12. Wide of CBC PAC leaders leaving podium
Vice President Kamala Harris received the full support from leaders of the Congressional Black Caucus Political Action Committee on Tuesday.

"The CBC PAC members of this great caucus. We now are on a mission, and the mission is to make sure that Kamala Harris is the next president of the United States," said Rep. Gregory Meeks of New York.

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News post in July 28, 2024, 9:04 pm.

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