China and Bangladesh reaffirm their ties as territorial and economic issues rise in region

(10 Jul 2024)

Beijing – 10 July 2024
1. Various of Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and delegation arriving
2. Mid of Chinese President Xi Jinping during meeting
3. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Xi Jinping, Chinese President:
“During the process (of the election), Madame Prime Minister firmly opposed external interference, demonstrating your unwavering determination against the power (of foreign entities) and the independent national integrity of the Bangladeshi people. China has always opposed interfering in the internal affairs of other countries under any pretext and firmly supports Bangladesh’s pursuit of a development path that is in line with its own national conditions.”
4. Hasina speaking
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Sheikh Hasina, Bangladeshi Prime Minister:
“This is my fourth consecutive term, so I feel that I have a big responsibility for our people. And, I really like that I have true friendship with China. China is always with us, so thank you very much for all your support to us.”
6. Wide of meeting
China and Bangladesh reaffirmed their ties during a visit by Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to Beijing where she met with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday.

During the meeting, Xi congratulated Hasina on her recent election victory, while Hasina praised China’s "true friendship."

Bangladesh occupies a strategic position between Myanmar, a longtime Chinese ally now wracked by internal conflict, and India, the rising Asian giant with which China has a longstanding border conflict.

Hasina met with her Chinese counterpart, Li Qiang, on Tuesday and oversaw the signing of 28 agreements between the countries covering mostly trade and investment.

While the U.S. and European countries pressured Hasina’s administration to hold free and fair elections in January, China openly sided with Hasina.

While Bangladesh maintains development partnerships with the United States and India, it is also drawing closer to China, which is heavily engaged in the country’s major infrastructure projects.

Hasina is eager to strengthen relations to encourage Chinese investment in her country’s economy, which faces challenges over a heavy debt burden.

China also provides Bangladesh with tanks, missile launchers and other weapons and is building seaports, railway tracks, power plants and bridges while the U.S. remains Bangladesh’s largest source of foreign direct investment.


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News post in July 15, 2024, 12:04 pm.

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