Latest advances in AI on show at Shanghai exhibition

(5 Jul 2024)



LENGTH: 4:51

Shanghai, China – 5 July 2024

1. Various of visitors at the World AI Conference
2. Various of Huawei’s stand
3. Various of screens showing application scenarios of Huawei’s latest AI big model Pangu 5.0
4. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Judy Wang, Huawei Cloud Booth Tour Expert:
“To upgrade its multi-modal capacities, we have made image and video generating more controllable and the generated videos are more in line with the realities of the physical world, including those for smart driving training, architecture designs, and 3D reconstructions, so the model can actually be put into commercial application in industries.”

5. Wide of stand of Chinese tech company Baidu
6. Various of visitor using AI tool to generate images on computer
7. Various of visitor testing generating software codes using AI on computer
8. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Xu Ziming, Marketing Manager, Baidu AI Cloud
“The new large model ERNIE 4.0 has leading features in the four capacities of AI – understanding, generating, logic and memory. For example, it understands Chinese better, therefore understands better what you mean. In daily life, you are able to communicate freely with ERNIE Bot with natural language, and have it generate images and videos out of your words.”

9. Various of booth of a Chinese AI model builder
10. Various of booth of DataCanvas, a Chinese AI big data solution provider
11. Various of screen showing the algorithm facilities of DataCanvas
12. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Wang Geng, DataCanvas Booth Tour Expert:
“The scales of data for the training (of large models) continue to increase, and the upgrading of large models such as from ChatGPT 4 to 5 also demands increased algorithm capacities. Here is what we offer – we have established five algorithm centres in different parts of the country, with a total capacity of 2,500 Petaflops. If one centre cannot meet the demands, the capacities of the rest four can be summoned for help. With this perfect distribution, we can meet the fast-increasing demands of the algorithm.”

13. Various of booth of SenseTime, a Chinese AI software provider
14. Various of screens showing application scenarios of SenseTime’s AI large model SenseNova 5.0 and its AI infrastructure SenseCore
15. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Wang Geng, DataCanvas Booth Tour Expert:
“You may have noticed that the growth is very fast, and time is an essential element. The bigger the infrastructure you have built yourself, the more market shares and time you win for yourself. Therefore, we need to invest more in the infrastructure and shorten the time for the training on new structures, to improve our competitiveness.”

16. Various of visitors at the exhibition
Chinese AI firms are showcasing their latest advances in the field of AI in Shanghai.

Despite an ongoing tech rivalry with the US, more than 150 mainly homegrown products are on display at the 2024 World AI Conference.


Visitors crowd the exhibition hall here in Shanghai, all keen to get a glimpse of the cutting-edge of technology.

On display is an array of software, hardware and other solutions harnessing the power of artificial intelligence.

One of the biggest names at the event is tech giant Huawei.

They’re demonstrating a large model called Pangu 5.0 which they say has the power to reshape thousands of industries.

The company claims it can learn and understand the real world via text, images, videos, radar, remote sensing, infrared, and other formats.

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News post in July 10, 2024, 6:04 pm.

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