National carpet festival celebrates the culture of Kyrgyz people

(1 Jul 2024)




Naryn, Kyrgyzstan – 28 June 2024

1. Various of shyrdaks (national carpets) on ground
2. Rear shot of people dragging shyrdak
3. Various of people in national costume
4. Wide of shyrdaks on ground
5. SOUNDBITE (Kyrgyz) Asyl Medetbekova, festival participant from Talas region:
"Shyrdak is made from sheep wool. First, the wool is cut off (the animal), it is cleaned of rubbish, washed, dried, and dyed. Then they make felt from it, roll it well, and then patterns can be drawn on the finished felt, and ornaments cut out. And then they sew, a lot of hand work, time and labour are going into it."

6. Mid of woman pouring into cup
7. Pan of audience
8. Festival participants walking
9. SOUNDBITE (Kyrgyz) Zhyldyz Zhantelieva, festival co-organizer:
"Craftsmen from all regions of the country, Osh, Jalal-Abad, Talas and all regions of Kyrgyzstan took part in the shyrdak festival. More than 100 craftswomen brought their handicrafts for display and exhibition."

10. Wide of participants walking, showing their shyrdraks
11. Close of woman watching
12. Various of participants walking
13. SOUNDBITE (Kyrgyz) Orunbu Kunduzbaeva, festival participant from Talas region:
"Every year this festival is getting bigger. Even if you compare it to last year, there weren’t that many people. There were even fewer yurts and the organization was weaker. This year there are many more participants, and the state has also started paying more attention to artisans."

14. Pan from swings to participants
15. Participants holding shyrdaks
16. Tilt up from threads to women in national costumes
17. SOUNDBITE (Kyrgyz) Orunbu Kunduzbaeva, festival participant from Talas region:
"Thank God, young people are interested, they learn handicrafts. As young people joined us, they have a different imagination, and they choose and use other colours. In previous years there were not so many of them, now there is an abundance of different shyrdaks. Now we even make them in a modern style, with other colours."

18. Close of shyrdak in Kunduzbaeva’s hands
19. Various of women holding shyrdak, pointing at patterns
20. Close of shyrdak
21. SOUNDBITE (Kyrgyz) Aigul Mamytova, festival participant from Naryn region:
"It takes exactly one month to make one shyrdak measuring three to two meters. This is the size of the shyrdak most often used in everyday life. As you paint, cut, and quilt, it takes exactly one month to make one shyrdak."

22. Wide of women weaving, sewing
23. Close of weaving tool as woman weaves
24. Close of woman
25. Close of shyrdak as woman sews
26. Mid of women sewing shyrdaks
27. SOUNDBITE (Kyrgyz) Bagdad Ashyralieva, festival participant from Talas region:
" We sew shyrdak like this: we put the patterns face up, and first we quilt. And this is yzgyt (a cord made of sheep wool), we also spin it from sheep wool, we cover up the lines of contact with it, we stitch them together closing them up. In Talas we sew like this – first we just quilt, and then we fasten with yzgyt."

28. Tilt up from shyrdaks as Ashyralieva stiches to Ashyralieva UPSOUND (Kyrgyz) Bagdad Ashyralieva, festival participant from Talas region:
"Now I am fastening shyrdak with yzgyt. And this seam between two colours should be covered. And this yzgyt should be sewn very tightly."

29. Various of woman cooking, serving traditional food
30. Various of people, shyrdaks on ground
31. SOUNDBITE (English) Patrick Hettrich, tourist from Switzerland:

32. Wide of yurts, mountains
33. People swinging

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News post in July 6, 2024, 12:04 pm.

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