Lebanese students in the troubled south take their exams despite cross border clashes with Israel

(30 Jun 2024)



LENGTH: 2:50

Tyre, southern Lebanon – 29 June 2024
1. Various of students from Tyre area presenting their exam cards to Lebanese security forces before entering exam center
2. Students waiting to enter a school
3. Various of students getting searched and checked by security
4. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Ali Olayyan, student in Alma al-Shaab high school:
"We studied under the sounds of the raids. And many times there was no internet for us to be able to study. But regardless of all this, we are seekers of knowledge and no matter what happens, we will study. We have prepared well and hopefully, the exams will be the way the ministry promised us they would be, and we will do well."

5. Various of exam booklets being delivered to school
6. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Ali Abu Samra, parent of student from the border village of Dhaira:
"The children have suffered a lot. We live at the border so from the first day of this operation (the fighting), our children have faced psychological pressure. And now they are taking their exams, relying on God. We had hoped that the exams would be cancelled, especially for the children in the south, but that did not happen. God willing, everything will turn out well."

7. Various of students taking exams inside classroom
8. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Khalil Watfa, student from southern Lebanon:
"The exam is very easy, honestly. It is great, the level (of difficulty) is normal. It is easier than it is at school."

9. Students taking their official high school exams
10. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Mohamad Khairy, student from southern Lebanon:
"How can they administer an exam across all Lebanon when some students attended in-person classes, while I went to school for only one day and had three months of online learning? How can one make a fair comparison between these students?"

11. Various of Lebanese caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati touring exam center and checking on students
12. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Najib Mikati, Lebanese caretaker prime minister:
"There were pressures to postpone the exams, but with the insistence of the minister of education and the government, and what we see today with these young men and women coming to these centers to take the exams… For example, in one center out of 280 students who were supposed to be there (for the tests), only two are absent. Therefore, this determination and this challenge are very significant. God willing, we will be okay."

13. Various of students taking exams
Lebanese students in the troubled south are taking the state-administered high school exams despite the challenges they’ve faced because of the cross-border attacks between Israel and Lebanon’s Hezbollah militants.

One student said he has had to study online for months instead of attending in-person classes, while others could not even access the online lessons.

Beginning the day after Hamas’ Oct. 7 attacks on Israel triggered the war in Gaza, Hezbollah has launched rockets into northern Israel and vowed to continue until a cease-fire takes hold.

Israel has hit back, with the violence forcing tens of thousands of civilians from the border in both countries to flee.

There have been calls to cancel the General Secondary in Lebanon this year, but Education Minister Abbas Halabi went ahead with the nationwide tests.

Students lined up at exam centers on Saturday as the exams commenced across the country.

"We are seekers of knowledge and no matter what happens, we will study. We have prepared well," said

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News post in July 5, 2024, 3:04 pm.

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