Vote counting begins in Mongolia parliamentary election

(28 Jun 2024)

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia – 28 June 2024
1. Various of electoral workers retrieving tally result printed out of each voting machine
2. Close of electoral workers signing on tally result
3. Various of electoral worker announcing result
4. Various of election monitors
5. Close of portrait of Genghis Khan
6. Various of electoral workers signing on tally result print-out
7. Various of screens showing real-time counting and verification at each polling station
8. Various of journalists watching and filming real-time tally result on big screen

Votes were being counted in Mongolia in a parliamentary election Friday in which both new and old political parties tried to win over disillusioned younger voters eager for change.

Preliminary results were expected by early Saturday morning after voting ended at 10 p.m. across the vast but sparsely populated country that is squeezed between China and Russia, two much larger authoritarian states.

At stake were 126 seats in an expanded parliament, 50 more than in the previous election in 2020.

That contest was won by the Mongolian People’s Party in a landslide.

The governing party still appears to hold the upper hand, but other parties may be able to capitalize on voter discontent to eat into its majority.

Turnout as of 10 p.m, when the polls closed, was 69.3% and was expected to reach 70% once results from remote districts are finalized and overseas voting is added in.

AP Video shot by Olivia Zhang


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News post in July 3, 2024, 6:04 pm.

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