Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month: You Are Not Alone

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) commits to fostering awareness and prevention of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and domestic violence against others. White Ribbon VA reinforces VA’s commitment, and encourages viewers to take a stand by taking the White Ribbon VA pledge at

There are resources available if you need help.

VHA Military Sexual Trauma (MST)
For information on VA’s MST-related services, eligibility for MST-related care, and coping resources.

Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-SAFE or 7233
Confidential assistance and counselors are available around the clock.

VA Intimate Partner Violence Assistance Program Coordinators

Women Veterans Call Center: 1-855-829-6636

Veterans Crisis Line: Dial 988 and then Press 1 or Text 838255
Trained Professionals are available around the clock to provide support if you are having thoughts of suicide.

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