Treasured for millennia, dealers warn art of Turkish carpet weaving has just years left

(22 Jun 2024)



LENGTH: 7:01

Istanbul, Turkey – 8 June 2024

1. Various of exhibition space, carpets hanging
2. Various of visitors looking at carpets from early Ottoman Period and Seljuk Empire
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Serra Oruc, organizer, International Conference on Oriental Carpets (ICOC):
“Anatolia is home to this very old tradition for many centuries. The earliest findings show us that from 5,000 (years before Christ) there is weaving in Konya region.”

4. Wide of collector taking picture of yarns coated in natural dyes used for carpet making
5. Mid of yarns coated in natural dyes, sign reading (Turkish) “Colours obtained with natural paint”
6. Mid of yarns coated with natural dyes
7. Close of green yarn and plant material used to dye it
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Ahmet Diler, Chairman, Istanbul Carpet Exporters Association:
“They are unique, they are rare and their graphism is amazingly beautiful. Most of western painters, Picasso and other painters, they were all interested in Turkish kilims because the colour range is amazing.”

9. Various of visitors trying their hand at weaving with hobby carpet weaver Elveda Solak
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Ahmet Diler, Chairman, Istanbul Carpet Exporters Association:
“It can (be) revived easily, if women are paid correctly, we need to pay, they need to have social security, they need to have a decent income, we need to share the profit as dealers with the weavers.”

11. Various of Solak weaving and people watching
12. SOUNDBITE (Turkish) Elveda Solak, hobby carpet weaver:
“We can see the conditions of life 200 years ago by looking at a (hand-woven) carpet. We can see vegetation in its colours. We can see the integrity of the geography. We can see the whole life lived within that family (of the weaver) in the motifs."

14. Mid of visitors taking pictures of Solak weaving
15. Close of Solak weaving
16. SOUNDBITE (Turkish) Elveda Solak, hobby carpet weaver:
“These two navel motifs here represent two demonstrations of power, a family, it represents the children in the family (red shape). This is also a family (blue shape). Borders that embrace the family are surrounding the carpet. The whiteness on the background represents happiness. The intensity of dark blue represents power. The transitions in colours show the good relations within the family. If we look at it this way, you can see that a woman has weaved her life within the family on this carpet.”

17. Wide of Museum of Turkish and Islamic Art exterior and posters for exhibition, reading (Turkish): “Turkish Carpets, the art knotted with love”
18. Mid of museum visitors
19. Mid of exhibition posters

Istanbul, Turkey – 6 June 2024

20. Various of carpet dealers trading at ICOC conference
21. Wide of carpet dealer Murat Yucel Tursun at his booth
24. Tilt up of Tursun speaking with collector
25. SOUNDBITE (Turkish) Murat Yucel Tursun, carpet dealer:
“Unfortunately, what is weaved is not worth the manual labour of the villagers who weave rugs. Since there is no market for this, people are gradually losing touch with this art. I think special work needs to be done for this. This must be supported and maintained by the state, municipalities and carpet manufacturers’ unions without any profit, otherwise this art will be completely finished after 5, 10, 20 years."

26. Wide of the exhibition, “Women behind the weave” featuring improvised rug designs by female weavers in Usak province
27. Mid of improvised rug designs


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