The effect of extreme heat and humidity on the body

(21 Jun 2024)


Veracruz, Mexico – 15 June 2024
1. Various of people walking across hot square
2. Various of trader selling fruit juices

College Station, Texas – 7 June 2024
3. Various of man drinking and splashing himself at water station in the road

ARCHIVE: London, UK – 21 July 2023
4. Various of Professor Lewis Halsey wired to body sensors including internal sensor in the colon running inside a special heat tank at 50 degrees Celsius and 25% humidity
5. Temperature monitors
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Lewis Halsey, Professor of Physiology, Roehampton University
“If it goes above 40 degrees, then we’re entering a risk zone. Some people will be fine and some people won’t. But this is where problems start to happen. So the organs of the body can start to fail or at least start to work less optimally. The reasons for this can be what’s called protein denaturation. So proteins sort of start, their shape changes and some of them start to pull apart. You get the very early signs of cooking effectively. Internal systems in terms of heart rate increases and there are there are subtle changes to the way that the heart beats each cycle as well. Ventilation rates, or how fast we breathe that increases as well. You get flushing of blood to the periphery of the body, so more of our blood is being sent to the surface of our skin. It’s why some people can look red when it’s hot. Now that blood going to the surface of the skin loses heat through the skin to the external environment unless it gets super hot. Nerve impulses won’t work so well. So the body’s not able to communicate internally as effectively and biochemical reactions in the body will speed up because chemical reactions often operate more quickly, at higher temperatures. So there’s a range of reasons why from about 40 degrees C (Celsius) onwards, and it’s only subtle at 40 degrees but as body temperature continues to increase, those problems get worse and worse until you can end up with organ failure. And if you get heart failure, that will result in hypoxia. So low oxygen in the body, less oxygen getting to the brain."
7. Various of researchers carrying out heat experiment

Veracruz, Mexico – 15 June 2024
8. Various of people walking shaded by umbrellas

College Station, Texas – 7 June 2024
9. Various of squirrels collapsed on the ground in heat

Veracruz, Mexico – 15 June 2024
10. Various of sun seen through palm tree in extreme heat
Human-caused climate change dialled up the thermostat and turbocharged the odds of this month’s killer heat across the Southwestern United States, Mexico and Central America.

Sizzling daytime temperatures that triggered cases of heat stroke in parts of the United States were 35 times more likely and 2.5 degrees hotter (1.4 degrees Celsius) because of the warming from the burning of coal, oil and natural gas, according to the World Weather Attribution, a collection of scientists that run rapid and non-peer reviewed climate attribution studies.

The heat is forcing the elderly into their homes, parents are trying desperately to cool children, who at a young age, have not developed the ability to regulate their body temperatures.

Doctors say they’re the most vulnerable.

In the University of Roehampton in London, Professor Lewis Halsey and his researchers are measuring what happens in our bodies when we are suffering heat exhaustion.

Halsey explains the process by which the body breaks down:

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