Istanbul swelters in unseasonably high temperatures

(14 Jun 2024)

Istanbul, Turkey – 14 June 2024
1. Various of men performing ablution at a shadirvan (the fountain of a mosque complex)
2. Various of people drinking water, cold beverages
3. Various of people sitting in the shade and holding umbrellas for protection from the sun
4. Various of Erdem Alagoz, tourist guide, leading a group of tourists from Spain
5. SOUNDBITE (Turkish) Erdem Alagoz, tour guide:
"It’s difficult, of course. It’s difficult for everyone. They (tourists) weren’t expecting this heat since it’s not hot (in Istanbul) in June. They say that the ‘feels like’ temperature will reach 39 (degrees Celsius) even in the shade. We’re trying to tour around by hopping from shade to shade."
6. Various of people buying ice cream and cold water
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Barnie Dobson, U.K. national living in Spain:
"It’s very nice, but it’s nice in the shade. But it’s nice to have sunshine also. Lots of people come here and they don’t see sunshine. If you come from England, I’m English but I live in Spain, you come from England, you don’t see sunshine. You come here and it’s beautiful. Too hot, but beautiful."
8. Wide of people in the shade, man playing with cat
9. Cat
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Carol Temelsiz, tourist from the U.S.:
"Well, it’s hot. Of course it’s very hot. Again, we stay cool in the shade, air conditioning and drink lots of water. Even though it’s hot, it’s absolutely beautiful in Turkey."
11. Various of couple walking, man holding umbrella
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Ali Ihsan Temelsiz, tourist from the U.S.:
"I came to Turkey about three weeks ago. I have a sister in Fethiye (on Turkey’s Aegean coast). It was very hot and we tried to stay in the shade, and we tried to get in the water as much as we could. We went to Izmir, Ephesus. We had a lot of fun there but it was very hot to walk around this time of year. It’s kind of unexpected heat. And we came to Istanbul and still, it seems like the whole country has a heat effect going on here."
13. Various of people sitting in the shade on grass
14. Various of Hagia Sophia Mosque
A mild heat wave is passing through Turkey’s largest city, Istanbul, which is situated on the shores of the Marmara and Black seas.

Residents and tourists alike sweltered under the unseasonable heat.

"It’s difficult for everyone. They (tourists) weren’t expecting this heat since it’s not hot (in Istanbul) in June," said Erdem Alagoz, a tour guide.

Temperatures hovered around 30 degrees Celsius on Friday with the brunt of higher temperatures having subsided.

Rainfall and thunderstorms later in the day are expected to usher in slightly cooler weather.

Temperatures were also noticeably higher in some western parts of the country.

Barnie Dobson, a U.K. national living in Spain, was however enjoying the sunny Istanbul sky despite the elevated temperatures.

"If you come from England, I’m English but I live in Spain, you come from England, you don’t see sunshine. You come here and it’s beautiful. Too hot, but beautiful," said Barnie Dobson, a U.K. national living in Spain.

AP video shot by Mehmet Guzel
Production: Ayse Wieting


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