Trump returns to Capitol Hill to meet with GOP lawmakers for the first time since the Jan. 6 attack

(13 Jun 2024)

Washington, DC – 13 June 2024
1. STILL photos of Donald Trump arriving at the Capitol Hill Club
Donald Trump is making a triumphant return to Capitol Hill on Thursday, meeting with House and Senate Republicans, his first since urging a mob to “fight like hell” ahead of the Jan.6, 2021 attack. GOP lawmakers find themselves newly energized and reinvigorated by his bid to retake the White House.

Despite the federal charges against Trump for conspiring to overturn the 2020 election, and his recent guilty verdict in an unrelated hush money trial, the Republican former president arrived emboldened as the party’s presumptive nominee.

He has successfully purged the GOP of critics, silenced most skeptics and enticed once-critical lawmakers aboard his MAGA-fueled campaign.

A packed room of House Republicans sang “Happy Birthday” to Trump in the private breakfast meeting at GOP campaign headquarters across the street from the Capitol.

Trump is expected to be delivering remarks and discussing issues animating his campaign — including mass immigration deportations but also tax cuts and other priorities for a potential second term.

But the private meetings with House and later in the afternoon the Senate Republicans so close to the Capitol are infused with symbolism of Trump’s return as the U.S. president who threatened the American tradition of the peaceful transfer of presidential power.


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