Panama community forced from Caribbean island by rising sea levels move into new homes

(6 Jun 2024)

Gardi Sugdub, Panama – 5 June 2024
1. Aerial shot of Gardi Sugdub island ++AERIAL SHOTS++ ++MUTE++
2. Various of boats
3. Guna Indigenous woman walking down street
4. Various of Edita López Morales cutting cassava
5. SOUNDBITE (Guna) Edita López Morales, Guna Indigenous woman:
"What I am going to miss is that here we the Guna have always lived together as a single family, but over there (village where they are being relocated) it will be different because we are going to split up, we are not going to live in the same house."
6. Dog walking away
7. Various of woman sleeping in hammock
8. Woman cleaning fish
9. Woman hanging clothes on a line
10. Aerial shot of Gardi Sugdub island ++AERIAL SHOTS++ ++MUTE++
11. Locals’ belongings ready to be moved
12. Various of people arranging sacks of belongings
13. Various of volunteers loading people’s belongings into boats
14. Aerial shot of boats ++AERIAL SHOTS++ ++MUTE++
15. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Wendy Ledesma, Civil Protection official:
"We are still working on 10 percent of the families who have stayed for personal reasons and have not been able to relocate as of today. We will take care of that 10 percent tomorrow."
16. Mattresses on boat
17. Augencio Arango, who has refused to relocate, seated
18. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Augencio Arango, Guna Indigenous man refusing to relocate:
"Right now, I’m not used to living there (new village built for the Guna). I prefer to live here than in the city."
19. View from boat sailing in Caribbean Sea
20. Aerial shot of of boat sailing in Caribbean Sea ++AERIAL SHOTS++ ++MUTE++

Isberyala, Panama – 5 June 2024
21. Aerial shot of houses built by the government to relocate Guna Indigenous community ++AERIAL SHOTS++ ++MUTE++
22. Various of people unloading belongings
23. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Augusto Walter, Guna Indigenous man:
"We, the Guna people, sleep in hammocks, so I come and sleep in a hammock every day. I don’t have a bed, where I come from we don’t have beds. But now, with this change, it feels like we are going to experience something new."
24. Walter lying in hammock outside his new home
25. People walking past new houses
26. Guna Indigenous woman walking down street
27. Various aerial shots of houses and streets ++AERIAL SHOTS++ ++MUTE++

Gardi Sugdub is one of about 50 populated islands in the archipelago of the Guna Yala territory, off the coast of Panama.

But rising sea levels are threatening the island and the Indigenous people who call it home.

Every year, especially in November and December, strong winds drive sea water into people’s homes.

Gardi Sugdub is the first of Panama’s low-lying islands to be evacuated.

In the new community of Isberyala, hammocks began appearing this week in the doorways of 300 new houses built in what was previously a yucca field along Panama’s Caribbean coast.

But not everyone will leave.

"Right now, I’m not used to living there (new village built for the Guna). I prefer to live here than in the city." said Augencio Arango a 49-year-old boat motor mechanic.

Guna families from Gardi Sugdub island who were on the move ferried stoves, gas cylinders, mattresses and other belongings first in boats and then in trucks to the new community.

Most of Gardi Sugdub’s families had moved or were in the process of moving, but Isberyala’s freshly paved and painted streets named after historic Guna leaders were still largely empty.

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