King of Denmark pays tribute to fallen sailors and meets US veteran on Utah Beach

(6 Jun 2024)

Utah Beach, Normandy – 6 June 2024
1. Wide of King of Denmark Frederik X arriving for commemorative ceremony
2. Wide of Frederik X reviewing troops
3. Wide of Danish and French flags
4. Wide of soldiers during ceremony
5. Pan of Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen arriving for ceremony
6. Wide of Frederik X unveiling plaque with names of wartime casualties
7. Mid of names of Danish soldiers deployed with US, Canadian and British troops
8. Pan of Frederik X laying wreath
9. Wide of Frederiksen walking up to lectern
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Mette Frederiksen, Danish Prime Minister:
"The freedom that the soldiers bravely fought for 80 years ago, that thousands of young men died for, 80 years ago – we cannot let it slip from our hands. Freedom is not a legacy. Freedom is a fight, a battle, a struggle, every day, every hour and right now. To win the war, Ukraine needs our full support, our weapons, our aircrafts, our material. They need more and they need it now. They will get for as long as it takes."
11. Pan of Frederiksen laying wreath
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Mette Frederiksen, Danish Prime Minister:
"There is no alternative to victory. We must carry forward that torch. We must listen to the whisper of history, and we must understand that freedom always comes with a price. It is again a time of great concern in Europe, but it is also time for hope. Hope for the future. People matter. Freedom matters. Europe matters. 80 years ago and again today."
13. Wide interior of Utah Beach museum
14. Wide of Frederik X meeting with D-Day veteran Warren Goss
15. Mid of King
16. Mid of Gross
17. SOUNDBITE (English) Warren Goss, 99, D-Day Utah veteran:
"I came back to visit Normandy – I forget what year, my daughter would know. I had my wife and my daughter, my two kids, and we had a picnic right on the beach where I came in. You know, that day i looked at the beach and it was beautiful. All the people and kids were playing. And I see that boys and girls were walking and holding hands. Life’s back. That’s life, that’s what they did. And i just changed. My whole system changed. It made me feel so glad that I helped these people out."
18. Pan of Goss leaving to attend ceremony with King
19. Wide of Goss sitting down
20. Wide interior of museum with plane and King giving speech
21. SOUNDBITE (French) Frederik X, King of Denmark:
"80 years ago, on these historic beaches of Normandy, Allied forces carried out the largest land and sea operation ever in the world. More than 800 Danes contributed to this vast operation. Most of them were sailors from the Danish merchant marines who, in reaction to the occupation of Denmark in April 1940, chose to join the Allies with their ships. During the war, more than half of the 250 Danish ships under Allied command were sunk. Almost 1,000 Danish sailors never got to see their homeland or families ever again."
22. Wide of ceremony with Goss sitting in front row
23. Wide of Utah Beach visitor centre and museum
The King of Denmark Frederik X unveiled a plaque on Thursday bearing the names of Danish merchant marines who fought alongside Allied forces to liberate France during War World II.

In a speech at the Memorial for Danish Sailors in Normandy, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen paid tribute to these sailors and insisted on the need to defend European soil and support Ukraine.

"It is again a time of great concern in Europe, but it is also time for hope", Frederiksen told dignitaries.

Goss served with the 4th Infantry Division, 531st Special Brigade.

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