Family of Nepali man held hostage by Hamas militants plead for his safe release from captivity

(18 Apr 2024)


Kathmandu, Nepal – 18 April 2024
1. Wide shot of the event where families of the Nepali man held captive by Hamas militants plead for his release
2. The father and mother of Bipin Joshi who is held captive
3. Joshi’s sister at the event
4. Supporters of Joshi at the event
5. A portrait of Joshi displayed at the event venue
6. Photographs of the 10 Nepali men killed in the October 7 attack
7. SOUDNBITE (Nepali): Mahananda Joshi, father of Bipin Joshi
“I love my son more than my life, who I thought he would be my old-age support. I beg of you to kindly bring my son back home safe and alive.”
8. Wide shot of the event
9. Father and mother of the captive man
10. Joshi’s sister crying
11. SOUNDBITE (Nepali): Padma Joshi, mother of Bipin Joshi
“I request all the concerned including Hamas to release my son, my only son to be safely returned as soon as possible.”
12. Israeli embassy official speaking
13. Wide shot of the event
Family members of the Nepali man still being held captive by Hamas militants after the bloody attack in October in Israel appealed on Thursday for his safe and early release.

Families of Bipin Joshi travelled from their home in western Nepal to the capital Kathmandu to make the public appeal.

“My life has been devastated since his kidnapping,” his father Mahananda Joshi said in an emotional appeal. “He is my only son without whom I cannot even imagine living my life. I love my son more than my life who I thought he would be my old-age support.”

“I beg of you to kindly bring my son back home safe and alive,” he said.

Joshi was taken in the October 7 attack where 10 Nepalis were killed but six other countrymen survived, many of them with injuries. They have returned to Nepal.

There has been no news of Joshi since the day he was taken captive but is believed to be still alive and being held captive.

The Nepal government has given several assurances to the family that it was working with the Israeli authorities to have him freed, but family members were appealing for more to be done.

“I request all the concerned including Hamas to to release my sone safely as soon as possible,” said the mother, Padma Joshi.

Joshi had arrived in Israel for just a few weeks for a 11-month training on agricultural techniques when the attack happened, and he was taken captive.


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