Daily MOFA Briefing

(18 Apr 2024)
Beijing – 18 April 2024
Spokesperson: Lin Jian
Duration: 05 min 34 sec

1. President Joe Biden on Wednesday called for a significant increase in tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum, citing unfair competition as the reason. In his speech yesterday, he also accused China of xenophobia and of “real problems." What is China’s response?

Regarding specific issues of the China-US economic relationship, please refer to the relevant Chinese authorities. In principle, we consistently demand that the US earnestly respect the principle of fair competition, abide by WTO rules, and immediately cease its trade protectionist measures against China. China will take all necessary measures to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests.
Regarding the remarks you mentioned, I would like to ask, are these words from the US directed at China, or the US itself?

2. The recent joint statement issued at the US-Japan-Philippines trilateral summit expressing serious concerns about China’s activities in the South China Sea and calling on China to abide by the 2016 South China Sea arbitration ruling. What is China’s comment on this?

China firmly opposes the manipulation of group politics by the relevant countries, firmly opposes any practices that stoke and exacerbate conflicts, undermine the strategic security and interests of other countries, and firmly opposes forming exclusive small groupings in the region. We will never accept unfounded accusations and malicious smears against China on the South China Sea issue.
The arbitration ruling on the South China Sea is illegal and invalid. China does not accept or participate in the arbitration, does not accept or recognize the so-called ruling, and will not accept any claims or actions based on the ruling. The South China Sea arbitration case and its illegal ruling harm the interests of regional countries, including the Philippines. No packaging can change the essence of the South China Sea issue, and no political manipulation disguised as law can obstruct China’s firm determination and will to safeguard its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. All such efforts will end in failure.
China will continue to defend its legitimate rights and interests in accordance with domestic and international law. We urge the relevant countries to face up to the facts, change course, and not repeat their mistakes.

3. According to reports, the U.S. handed over 38 Chinese cultural relics and artworks to the Chinese government on Wednesday. What’s your comment?

China and the U.S. first signed a government-to-government Memorandum of Understanding on Preventing the Illegal Entry of Chinese Cultural Relics into the United States on January 14, 2009, and its validity has been extended for the third time from January 14 of this year.
The return is the first successful cooperation between the two countries since the extension, and it also reflects the positive implementation of the consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries at the San Francisco summit. China will continue to fulfill the relevant MOU with the United States, establish a sound mechanism for the exchange of information on stolen cultural relics, ensure the security of cultural relics, promote mutual exchange and learning of civilizations, and provide beneficial assistance for enhancing cultural exchanges between the two countries and the friendship between the two peoples.


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