Swedish educators seek to reassure children about war fears with accurate information

(29 May 2024)

Stockholm – 17 May 2024
1. Exterior of Viktor Rydberg’s Junior High School
2. Various of pupils watching video about NATO
3. Wide of teacher Masai Björkwall teaching history of NATO
4. Wide of Björkwall holding discussion session
5. Close of sheet reading (Swedish): "Does the threat level increase from joining NATO?"
6. Various of students discussing
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Masai Björkwall, 53, junior high school teacher:
"Seeing now that we recently joined NATO as a country, of course we need to deal with the students’ worries about risk for conflict and war and explain why we joined. We had the policy of neutrality for so long, several hundred years. So I have to teach about what has happened in the world, what has changed that made us change our policy.”
8. Students discussing whether threat level increases from joining NATO
9. Close of worksheet being filled out with answers
10. Various of students in discussion
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Edith Maxence, 14, junior high school student:
"I feel safe that Sweden is with NATO, but I feel unsafe that they might start a war. Not a world war, but it might start out a war."
12. Hallway

Stockholm – 22 May 2024
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Magnus Jägerskog, Secretary-General of BRIS:
"After we have entered into the alliance, we have seen a rise in contact regarding NATO from children. I mean, close to all of those contacts are around worries about the war.”

Stockholm – 21 May 2024
14. Wide of entrance hall of UR
15. Close of UR sign
16. Wide of UR’s Head of Content Jenny Frisk
17. SOUNDBITE (English) Jenny Frisk, UR’s Head of Content:
"In this specific NATO content, we focus on providing context and understanding of the geopolitical dynamics and give historic perspectives to NATO, and also for pupils to understand Sweden’s role in international relations.”

Stockholm – 17 May 2024
18. 9th-grade students walking into classroom
19. Wide of students listening to Björkwall’s lecture on NATO
20. Björkwall next to powerpoint projection reading (Swedish): "Should we align with authoritarian states?”
21. Students discussing whether Sweden should be with authoritarian states
22. SOUNDBITE (English) Adam Sahlen, 15, junior high school student:
"We should always keep your friends close but your enemies closer.”
23. Björkwall discussing with students
24. SOUNDBITE (English) Masai Björkwall, 53, junior high school teacher:
"I try to be very careful to point out any directions. I want them to be mature democratic citizens that can vote consciously later on. We’ve got different reactions but it’s mostly pro-NATO, of course.”
25. Björkwall discussing with students
26. SOUNDBITE (English) Adam Sahlen, 15, junior high school student:
"We found it hard to make one conclusion. But from a military perspective, we only saw great possibilities, like of course, the military gets stronger and better if we cooperate with others, especially Turkey for example, which is the largest military country in Europe.”
27. Students listening to lecture
28. SOUNDBITE (English) Adam Sahlen, 15, junior high school student:
29. School entrance
30. School flag

Stockholm – 11 March 2024
31. Tilt-up of Swedish Armed Forces hoisting NATO flag
32. NATO flag
33. Various of Swedish Armed Forces attending ceremony of Sweden’s accession to NATO
34. Various of Stockholm

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