March to demand Argentine President Milei revives scrapped bill on transgender reparations

(25 May 2024)

Buenos Aires, Argentina – 24 May 2024
1. Transgender activists marching, singing UPSOUND (Spanish) "Reparation, it’s a debt that the nation owns us"
2. Riot police blocking avenue
3. Various of police pushing demonstrators out of the avenue
4. Police blocking demonstrators from marching on the street
5. Transgender activist Patricia Rivas shouts, UPSOUND (Spanish) "Fight, fight, let it be heard"
6. Various of people marching
7. A protester chants UPSOUND (Spanish) "Don’t be indifferent, they kill transvestites in front of people’s faces"
8. Protesters gathering in front of the presidential house Casa Rosada
9. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Ferni de Gyldenfeldt, activist and singer:
"We come together to demand justice for our dead. It is our act of memory and strength, more than ever in this context, in this year, with these winds of neo-fascism in Argentina, with a government like that of Javier Milei that not only denies several rights, denies all the steps we have taken in terms of human rights, but rather promotes a clear message of hatred towards our community."
10. Various of activists holding a banner that reads (Spanish) "Quota and reparation, we want redistribution"
11. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Micaela Pérez, 60, activist:
"We are losing rights because he interfered with my colleagues’ trans job quota (right). Being a law, (President Javier Milei) cannot fire everyone from an institution. If (the hires) were done poorly, an audit can be done but not everyone can be fired."
12. An activist holding a sign that reads (Spanish) "Milei is not my law"
13. Various of people marching

Members of the transgender community in Buenos Aires marched to Congress to demand the approval of a bill that would provide financial reparations for transgender individuals who have suffered abuses at the hands of state security forces during the dictatorship and also against the policies of Argentine President Javier Milei.

Few in Argentina are more enraged by Milei’s self proclaimed anti-woke agenda than LGBTQ+ activists, who worry his government is rolling back their hard-won gains. Since drawing attention as a brash TV personality, Milei has lambasted feminist and human rights movements as a “cult of a gender ideology.”

After taking office in December, Milei wasted no time jumping into Argentina’s culture wars. He shut down the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity, banned the government’s use of gender-inclusive language, and closed the National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism.

Milei has also scrapped a decree calling for gender equality in companies and civil society groups and ended gender-focused training programs.

In 2021, the Fernández administration passed its employment quota law, requiring the state to reserve 1% of all jobs for transgender, transexual, or nonbinary people who would otherwise struggle to find formal work.

About 1,000 transgender people have been hired since then, but under Milei’s public sector layoffs, over 100 transgender people have lost their civil service jobs, according to the union representing state workers.

The financial reparation bill would benefit transgender people who say they have been persecuted, tortured, raped, and killed during the military dictatorship (1976-1983) and during the democracy period that followed, when police edicts made it illegal to cross-dress.

In some provinces of the country, these police edicts lasted until 2012, when Congress approved the gender identity bill, allowing people to change their gender.

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