Advocates, families applaud Tennessee’s plan to provide free diapers for Medicaid families

(24 May 2024)

Nashville, Tennessee – 23 May 2024
1. Wide of volunteers at Nashville Diaper Connection
2. Tight on stacks of diapers
3. Tight on a package of Pampers
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Doug Adair, president of Nashville Diaper Connection:
"It’s harder and harder for a family that’s juggling with, you know, higher rent costs and higher food costs and diapers really take a bite out of the budget. So our, our diaper distribution has grown considerably. We’ll, we’ll distribute around 3.6, 3.7 million diapers this year."
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Doug Adair, president of Nashville Diaper Connection:
"They send us a order. This one is Manchester Pediatrics. They’re gonna. They have ordered by size to meet the needs of the families that they serve. And these will be delivered, immediately after the holiday."
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Doug Adair, president of Nashville Diaper Connection:
"This is such a huge deal for the babies in Tennessee. TennCare will be providing starting late summer with TennCare member babies, 0 to 2 years of age, 100 diapers per month."

Nashville, Tennessee – 24 May 2024
7. Tight on Yariela Lopez unpacking donated diapers at her home
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Yariela Lopez, Nashville mother:
"I feel the for the community where I used to live, it’s important to have that because sometimes, like how I say? Like me, like like a mother, we just worry about the kids. And I used to worry a lot about my kids, and I used to be like, if I don’t have the money for it, what would I do?"

Nashville, Tennessee – 23 May 2024
9. Wide of boxes of diapers in the back of a van

Nashville, Tennessee – 24 May 2024
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Yariela Lopez, Nashville mother:
"Yes. So it made me feel more comfortable, relaxing. Like I didn’t have to worry about it because I knew this where to get them from. And whenever I didn’t know. It’s something like stressing that you can even go to… Well, for me, I can’t sleep at night thinking about how am I going to try to buy diapers for my kids, or who’s going to give me some diapers or stuff like that. So by knowing that, it made me more comfortable."

Nashville, Tennessee – 23 May 2024
11. wide of volunteers wrapping up diapers for donation
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Doug Adair, president of Nashville Diaper Connection:
"We survey the families that get our diapers once a year and 74 percent of those families tell us that they use the money they save to buy food."
13. Tight on diapers being wrapped up
14. Mid on a stack of diapers next to a volunteer
Tennessee will soon become the first state in the country to offer free diapers to families enrolled in the state’s Medicaid program after receiving federal approval, state officials have confirmed.
Similarly, The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has also approved extending a pilot program in Delaware that provides free diapers and wipes to postpartum parents for the first three months after giving birth.
Nashville Diaper Connection has been helping families in the Middle Tennessee area in need of diapers for more than a decade.
"It’s harder and harder for a family that’s juggling with, you know, higher rent costs and higher food costs and diapers really take a bite out of the budget," said Doug Adair, president of Nashville Diaper Connection. "So our, our diaper distribution has grown considerably. We’ll, we’ll distribute around 3.6, 3.7 million diapers this year."


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