What to look for in mosquito repellents

(24 May 2024)


Fort Collins, Colorado – 4 April 2024
1. Mosquitos flying in jar at CDC lab that raises mosquitos for testing
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Roxanne Connelly, CDC entomologist:
“The deadliest animal on the planet is the mosquito.”
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Roxanne Connelly, CDC entomologist:
“There is potential to be infected with a mosquito borne virus, such as West Nile. In some people there’s no problems, no symptoms, but it can go all the way to the most devastating part where you could die from a from a mosquito borne disease.”
4. Medium of Connelly removing tray of newly hatched mosquitos in water
5. Various of tray showing mosquitos in water
6. Researcher observing the effectiveness of various insecticides for killing mosquitos
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Roxanne Connelly, CDC entomologist:
“Communities across the country use mosquito control products to kill the adult mosquitoes that may cause disease in humans. Over time, if they overuse those products, mosquitoes can become resistant to it. So what we’ve done is develop tools to help detect when that resistance might be occurring, and then we can provide recommendations on when, when to stop using those and when to use other products.”
8. Researcher writing notes
9. Tight of researcher observing insecticide test
10. Tight of control bottle
11. Tight of all bottles in experiment
12. Medium of researcher looking at dead mosquitos under microscope
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Roxanne Connelly, CDC entomologist:
“One of the things we like for people to keep in mind is to look for and listen to their local and state health departments. They send out notices when there’s evidence that there’s virus in an area.”
14. Various of researcher looking at dead mosquitos under microscope
15. SOUNDBITE (English) Roxanne Connelly, CDC entomologist:
“The easiest way to prevent being infected with a mosquito-borne disease is to wear an effective repellent when you’re outdoors.”
16. Various of Connelly spraying repellent on her arm
17. SOUNDBITE (English) Roxanne Connelly, CDC entomologist:
“We have not seen where mosquitoes are developing tolerance to repellents. One of the things that we have to think about, though, is what type of repellent is being used.”
18. Connelly opens box of mosquitos to put arm with repellent inside
19. SOUNDBITE (English) Roxanne Connelly, CDC entomologist:
“CDC always goes with recommending EPA registered products. You just have to read the label. Some have a shorter acting time than others do. But, it’s always on the label.”
20. Various of Connelly’s bare arm inside box of mosquitos that are not attracted to her due to the repellent she used
There’s an old joke that mosquitoes are like family: They are annoying, but they carry your blood.

Mosquito season is starting to rev up across much of the United States. And that means bug bites.

When a mosquito bites you, it pierces the skin using a mouthpart called a proboscis to suck up blood. As it feeds, it injects saliva into your skin that can cause a reaction — a bump and itching. But the pests can also spread parasites like malaria and viruses like dengue, West Nile and Zika.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention operates a mosquito lab in Fort Collins, Colorado, but the agency does not evaluate the repellents people commonly spray on themselves to ward off mosquitoes.


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