AP Explains: The latest updates on Trump’s hush money trial

(20 May 2024)

New York
1. STILL, former President Donald Trump sits in Manhattan Criminal Court

New York – 20 May 2024
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Michael Sisak, The Associated Press:
"The prosecution rested its case in Donald Trump’s hush money criminal trial. Former Trump lawyer fixer-turned-foe Michael Cohen completed his fourth day of testimony. And then the prosecution rested. That allowed Donald Trump’s lawyers start calling witnesses, including attorney Robert Costello, who recounted how he was in negotiations to represent Michael Cohen after the FBI raided Cohen’s apartment, office and hotel room. But things got testy and chaotic in the courtroom as Costello testified. Several times he continued testifying even after an objection, which is a signal for a witness to stop talking. He also muttered things under his breath, at one point saying "Jeez" and calling the whole exercise ridiculous. Judge Juan Merchan excused the jury and said he wanted to instruct the witness in decorum. He called him out for his under the breath remarks and for running through stop signs, running through those objections. During that admonition, the Judge got even more incensed. He accused the witness of staring him down and said that at certain points during his testimony, he had been rolling his eyes and giving him side eye, upset the judge ordered the courtroom cleared. Officers ushered reporters out into the hallway and we don’t know exactly what happened while Merchan and the witness and others were in the courtroom, including Donald Trump. But we do know about five minutes later, testimony resumed and Costello was somewhat better behaved. He was on the witness stand for a short time longer, testifying about what the defense contends were contradictions in Michael Cohen’s testimony. Cohen, of course, the key witness for the prosecution and the defense trying to poke holes in his story and highlight what they say are lies, inconsistencies in his account of what happened with these hush money payments and those reimbursements that he received. The trial will resume with Costello back on the stand on Tuesday and the defense says it will be Tuesday, perhaps that it rests its case. They don’t plan any more witnesses beyond Costello. But of course, there’s always the possibility Donald Trump could choose to take the stand in his own defense."

New York – 20 May 2024
3. STILL, Michael Cohen leaves his apartment building on his way to Manhattan criminal court
Donald Trump’s hush money trial entered its final stretch with the prosecution resting its case late Monday afternoon following the conclusion of star witness Michael Cohen ‘s testimony.

Cohen concluded his testimony after nearly four full days on the witness stand. He looked in Trump’s direction as he walked out of the courtroom before a court officer directed him down the aisle.

In his testimony, Cohen placed the former president directly at the center of the alleged scheme to stifle negative stories to fend off damage to his White House bid. Among other things, Cohen told jurors that Trump promised to reimburse him for the money he fronted and was constantly updated about efforts to silence women who alleged sexual encounters with him. Trump denies the women’s claims.

Defense attorneys had resumed cross-examination of Cohen with a series of questions about his business dealings and other activities in the lead-up to the payment to porn actor Stormy Daniels. They further dug into Cohen’s sources of income in the years since Trump originally took office.

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