Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani discusses sanctions against those supplying drones to Iran

(17 Apr 2024)

Capri – 17 April 2024
1. Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani arriving at port in Capri to host G7 foreign minister meetings
2. Ship at port
3. Tajani on deck
4. Boats in port
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Antonio Tajani, Italian Foreign Minister:
"We are in favour of the new sanctions, but during the…yesterday, during the meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the European Union, there is a strong majority in favour of sanctions one by one. As far as sanctions against the Iranian people working with Russia, for responsibility for drones and (unintelligible). So for example, people sending drones to Houthi? Sanctions. This is the large majority of the ministers of foreign affairs are in favour of these sanctions. But individual sanctions one by one.”
6. Tajani greeting sailors
7. Wide of Tajani disembarking ship
8. Crowd around Tajani on dock
9. Tajani’s convoy leaving port
10. Tracking shot from Capri sign to seaside
Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani arrived at the port of the Italian resort island of Capri on Wednesday, as Group of Seven foreign ministers are meeting with an agenda topped by calls for targeted new sanctions against Iran over its attack against Israel and more aid to Ukraine to fight Russia’s war.

Under Italy’s rotating stewardship, the G7 leaders are expected to issue a united call for Israel to exercise restraint after Iran’s unprecedented weekend attack involving hundreds of drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles fired toward the Jewish state.

Tajani told The Associated Press on Wednesday that Italy supported targeted new sanctions against Tehran, specifically against the makers of drones used in the weekend attack and others launched by Tehran-backed militias in Lebanon, Gaza and Yemen.

“So for example, people sending drones to Houthi? Sanctions,” Tajani said, adding that other European Union foreign ministers were in agreement on the strategy and that he expected the G7 ministers to also discuss possible new sanctions this week in Capri.

AP Video shot by Luigi Navarra
Production by Trisha Thomas


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