Crocodile attacks in Indonesia are on the rise. It’s left residents on edge

(17 Mar 2025)

Central Mamuju district, Indonesia – 24 February 2025
1. Local resident, Munirpa, leaving her house carrying basket
2. Munirpa lifting clothes off line and putting them in basket
3. Munirpa lifting basket full of clothes
4. Pan right from Munirpa pointing to location of where she was bitten by crocodile UPSOUND Munirpa (Indonesian): "I was attacked by a crocodile there, in the water, (almost) drowned and dragged"
5. Various of scars on Munirpa’s legs and feet
6. SOUNDBITE (Indonesian) Munirpa, local resident:
"I am so scared. I don’t want to go to the beach. Even to the back of the house, I don’t dare to go. I am traumatized. I asked my children not to go to the river, or to the backyard, or go fishing. It is enough that I’ve been bitten by a crocodile. I won’t let it happen to my children.”
7. Various of crocodiles in crocodile farm pond
8. Man calling crocodile with his hand and raising his hand holding chicken meat while crocodile jumps to catch it
9. Man throwing food to crocodile in pond
10. Various of crocodiles being thrown food
11. Wide of children walking
12. People on motorbikes passing through village with warning signs installed on side of road
13. Warning sign reading (Indonesian): "Be careful in your activities, this area is a habitat for crocodiles, dangerous and protected animals"
14. Pan from warning sign to newly planted oil palm plantation
15. Newly planted oil palm seedlings

Central Mamuju district, Indonesia – 25 February 2025
16. Villagers walking on embankment patrolling for crocodiles
17. Close of villager during patrol
18. Flashlight shining on the embankment to make sure there are no crocodiles

Jakarta, Indonesia – 17 February 2025
19. Amir Hamidy, crocodile expert at the National Research and Innovation Agency, showing crocodiles in research room
20. Crocodiles in glass containers
21. SOUNDBITE (Indonesian) Amir Hamidy, crocodile expert at the National Research and Innovation Agency:
"The estuarine crocodile is actually not an endangered species, but when it is protected it means that there is a legal procedure to reduce its population by mapping conflict zones. The regulation does allow for reducing the crocodile population if the zone causes conflict."

Central Mamuju district, Indonesia – 24 February 2025
22. Scar on foot ++MUTE++
23. Scar on the chest
24. SOUNDBITE (Indonesian) Suardi, coconut farmer:
“Yes, I am worried. But what else can we do? Because I put the boat on the edge of the river (where crocodiles often roam) but the important thing is that we are careful enough.”

Central Mamuju district, Indonesia – 27 February 2025
25. Suyuti Marzuki, head of West Sulawesi Marine and Fisheries Agency, walking into office
26. Close of Marzuki’s circling passage in book
27. SOUNDBITE (Indonesian) Suyuti Marzuki, head of West Sulawesi Marine and Fisheries Agency:
"Indeed, we need to protect the ecosystem, perhaps by placing them in captivity because there are other things that can be utilized from the crocodiles, such as when its population increases, we can use them to improve the economy, for example by utilizing crocodile skin to improve the community’s economy."

Central Mamuju district, Indonesia – 24 February 2025
28. Pan from Budong-Budong river to Suardi standing on riverbank

Central Mamuju district, Indonesia – 23 February 2025
30. SOUNDBITE (Indonesian) Rusli Paraili, crocodile handler:


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News post in March 22, 2025, 3:04 am.

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