A river ‘died’ overnight in Zambia after an acidic waste spill at a Chinese-owned mine

(15 Mar 2025)


Kitwe, Zambia – 19 February 2025
1. Aerial of Sino Metals showing tailings dam complex and breach
2. Aerial showing path of tailings into the environment

Kitwe, Zambia – 6 March 2025
3. Various of fishermen on banks of Kafue River
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Helen Kunda, Kafue resident:
“No fish, no fisher here, any one, this morning until here we did not catch any fish, why eh, Chinese people put it to their gasses.“ 
5. Wide of entrance to Sino Metals/NFC mine
6. Various of tailings and mine residue engineer on laptop
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Holy Pola, Tailings and Mine Residue Engineer, ZAMREX:
“It was so fast, according to the guys’ explanation who saw it, it was so fast it was getting bigger and bigger by the minute you know, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, by 30 minutes it was a whole collapse.”

Kitwe, Zambia, 5 March 2025
8. Various of farmer showing environmental activists the damage to fishpond and crops by tailings
10. SOUNDBITE (Bemba) Juliet Bulaya, affected farmer:
“When I went to the fish pond, I found that the lime had flowed through the pond and all the fish had been swept away, I just stood in agony wondering what I would do about the money I spent on the project, I stood there watching because there was nothing I could do.”
11. Moving shot of dead fish along riverbank
12. Wide of Sean Cornileus driving fishing boat down Kafue River
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Sean Cornileus, Kafue River property resident:
“Prior to the 18th February, this was a vibrant and alive river. We had cormorants, we had king fishers, there was small masenges, the fishing was good. Now everything is dead, it’s like a totally dead river, unbelievable. Overnight, this river died.”
14. Wide of Juliet Bulaya sitting at her home
15. Mid of two children and a woman sat outside house
16. Chilekwa Mumba talking on the phone
17. SOUNDBITE (English)  Chilekwa Mumba, environmental activist:
“It is an environmental disaster, really of catastrophic consequence when we consider the fact that Sino Metals has polluted a river on which millions of people depend for the livelihoods. We are also talking about wildlife and just the general disturbance which has been given, even in not just villages but actual towns.”
18. Various of tailings contamination
19. SOUNDBITE (English) Chilekwa Mumba, Environmental activist:
“If we look at the communities in the immediate vicinity of the river, their entire livelihoods have been destroyed, they are farmers, their soil is disturbed, the harvest, we are very close to harvest time, two months away from harvest time, what they had invested in, has all gone down the drain. Apart from that if you look at the aquaculture in the Kafue River its also been completely destroyed. I do not even know how a simple solution like restocking can bring it back to its natural position.”
20. Various of man drawing water from contaminated borehole
21. Residents gathering outside a home
Authorities and environmentalists in Zambia fear the long-term impact of an acid spill at a Chinese-owned mine that contaminated a major river and could potentially affect millions of people after signs of pollution were detected at least 100 kilometers (60 miles) downstream.

The spill happened on Feb. 18 when a tailings dam that holds acidic waste from a copper mine in the north of the country collapsed, according to investigators from the Engineering Institution of Zambia.

AP Video by Richard Kille

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News post in March 20, 2025, 6:03 am.

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